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Pizza di Granone

                                       MAIZE PIZZA

Production area
The whole region

Methods of manufacturing
The raw materials are: maize flour, salt, extra virgin olive oil, hot water. Pizza with maize is the basic recipe for different typical dishes of Molise as well as the “mbaniccia” of Ferrazzano, “Fruffella” of Bonefro, “Pizza e minestra”, “Ri fallarielli”.
Knead maize flour in a container, adding oil, salt and hot water until obtaining a soft and homogenous kneading. Take a “coppa” and after forming a three-finger-high pizza, make it rounded. Traditionally, a cross is marked in the middle. Lay the pizza on a stratum of leaves well lined up on a cap or on the “traville” and let it slide softly on the hot, sleek part of the fireplace. Cover the pizza with the “coppa” and consumed embers. Cook it for about one hour.
It is produced all year.

Materials and tools
Fireplace, “coppa” (large overturned pan), vine or chestnut leaves.

Proofs of traditionalism
Bibliographic references: Almanacco itinerari del Molise del 1970 Nocera Editor, page 254.
 La cucina molisana in 100 ricette tradizionali by Ottavio Cavalcanti – Newton pocket-size edition 1999.
 Vocabolario Dialetto Agnonese by Giuseppe Cremonese Typography Gabriele Bastone Agnone 1898.
 La cucina molisana, by A.M. Lombardi R. Mastropaolo, I edition, 1986, II edition 1995 Cultura e Sport Editions, page 203.

ERSAmolise notizie Atlante dei Prodotti Tradizionali della Regione Molise

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