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Routes > Arte e Storia > Storia > Paoleolitico - Il CERP
Paoleolitico - Il CERP
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The intervention lines identified in the C.E.R.P. programmes are the following:
 development of the initiatives directed to the study, preservation and improvement of the signs of the Paleolithic layer of “Isernia La Pineta”;
 interdisciplinary and international research promotion for the reconstruction of the ancient natural environments and the subsistence strategies adopted by the different peoples followed one another during the years;
 promotion of sensitization and training activities also with the university initiatives as support;
 participation in national and international development initiatives (PON, POR funds, ministerial specific announcements), in particular by the European Commission;
 promotion of initiatives directed to show the results in workshops, seminars and congresses;
 scientific and popular publication of texts.

For three years, The European Centre for Prehistoric Research has been also the seat of some intensive programmes carried out by the SOCRATE/ERASMUS funds UE Intensive Programme (IP), coordinated by different partners as Portugal (Polytechnic Institute of Tomar), Spain (Universitat Rovira i Virgili di Tarragona), Italy (University of Ferrara), Holland (Rikksuniversiteit Leiden), France (Muséum National d'Histoire  Naturelle), Lithuania (Vilnius Universitates), Belgium (Université de Liège), Sweden (Gotland University) and seat of formative trainings carried out for the students of degree courses in Arts and Environmental Science with teaching and multimedia methods at a distance (FAD goods) activated by the University of Ferrara collaborating with the Carid and courses in Arts and Environmental Science of the University of the Molise and Natural Science and Technologies for the Arts of the University of Ferrara.
The formative demand is connected to the continuation of the scientific research activity carried out with alacrity by the University of Ferrara, before the centre was created, thanks to the presence of the important Paleolithic site of Isernia La Pineta, representing an endless source of information and evidences connected with the reconstruction of biological and behavioural evolution of mankind. In the last few years, in fact the exploration campaigns, lead on the site in close collaboration with the Archaeological Superintendency of the Molise, have taken a systematic guarantee, assuring a constant presence of teachers, researchers, students and experts in the different sectors involved, working for the enlargement of the knowledge about the site. The participation of the Centre is very important as provides an efficient support to develop these activities.
The Centre participates also in  specific  public announcements presenting projects aimed to obtain communitarian funds for the Arts. Among them, there are the contributions obtained by the MIUR for the Special Scientific Institutes operation, D.M. 8th of October 1996, n. 623 and the one by the Ministry of the Arts and the Environment, Managing Direction for the Books Property and the Cultural Institutes, memorandum 4th of February 2002, n.17/2002 for the publication of a high-cultural content book.
The Centre has published a series of magazine, entitled “Collana Ricerche” (Research Collection), where the first number is entitled “Metodologie dello scavo archeologico: il caso di Isernia La Pineta” (Methods of the archaeological excavation: the Isernia La Pineta case)  edited by A. Minelli and C. Peretto and the second one will be published in the near future as “Il Paleolitco in Molise: materie prime, industrie litiche, insediamenti di S. Grimaldi” (The Paleolith in Molise: raw materials, lithic indutries, S. Grimaldi settlements).
During the years, the Centre has stipulated contracts and scholarships aimed to form specific professionalisms, working for the coordination and the operation of the Centre and participating in the management of the research activities developed in the Paleolithic site of Isernia La Pineta.
The Centre is situated in a provincial administration-owned building, built in 2000 very close to the excavation area of the Paleolithic settlement of Isernia La Pineta. It spreads on 200 square metres and presents inside a conference hall, a meeting hall, spaces and laboratories appropriately equipped with all the high-tech instruments necessary for the research activities and a guestroom used for the students moving in the area.
 The instruments already available inside the structure are proportional to the demand to try completely innovative research methods, achieving high competitive rates from the national and international point of view. The opening has been possible thanks to a series of initiatives already activated by the University of Ferrara connected with the demand of the Centre to develop and boost the informatics sector applied to the Arts.
So, from this point of view, we have to indicate, the position of  a webcam connected on the net inside the excavation pavilion; the connection of HDSL and ADSL lines; the purchase of laptop or home computers and specific softwares for data archiving (Rollei Metric MSR14); the application of a 3D scanner  for data survey and acquisition of the archaeosurfaces of La Pineta site.
The human resources concurring to the Centre operation and development are constituted by the teachers, people who receive research grants and scholars of the Universities of Ferrara and the Molise involved and contract employees directly conformed with the Centre, besides with the Provincial Administration of Isernia employees as regards the administrative and managerial aspects.

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