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Routes > Arte e Storia > Storia > Paoleolitico - Il CERP
Paoleolitico - Il CERP
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Video:Le tecniche di scavo - il restauro dei repertii calchi - le datazioni - le archeosuperfici

The European Centre for Prehistoric Research is an association for ONLUS scientific research, situated in Isernia (Molise), established on the 21st of September 2001. It assumes the form of an operating structure formed by a plurality of local and national subjects which already carry out some of their research, training, improvement and fruition activities in the Arts and the Environment field and in the tertiary sector autonomously.
The University of Ferrara and the Molise, the Provincial Admistration of Isernia, the Archaeological Superintendency of the Molise, the Chamber of Commerce of Isernia, different communes of Isernia province (Communes of Roccamandolfi, Venafro, Castelverrino, Cantalupo nel Sannio, Scapoli, Pettoranello di Molise, Civitanova del Sannio, Filignano, Miranda) and local autorities as the Farmers’ Association of Isernia, the Confcooperative Molise, the Provincial Traders Union Alto Molise are some members of the Centre.
The presence of two Universities is an evident sign of the need to promote a synergy of forces and wills to foster the scientific research development, to increase the professional potential, to experiment with new methodologies in order to improve the research activity, to provide initiatives directed to increase the improvement and fruition of the cultural legacy from the national and international point of view.

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