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From the High Molise to Venafro, from the valley of Trigno to Volturno’s, the province of Isernia extends through all its archaeological and artistic beauties, from the Paleolith to the Samnite and Benedictine age, as far as the beginning of Renaissance.
As well as the landscape variety, our territory is distinguished by different, architectural and pictorial displays, put on a multicoloured setting in which you can appreciate the landscape integrity and its fusion with what man left during the history.
The warm welcome and kind hospitality make our towns, from the smallest to the largest, an ideal destination for people keen on nature and art. Everywhere in the province you can visit skiing resorts in the winter-time, participate in tours organized in mountain villages during the summertime or enjoy typical foods and traditions during the festivals and events of the beautiful season: it is the best chance to go on holydays or just for a weekend out and an invitation to discover Prehistoric signs, the biggest Samnite monument, the memory of monastic life, different kinds of castles overcoming the villages and the multitude of churches; or simply walk in the suggestive, historic centres of the province towns, which always emanate a pure smell, in a fantastic environment, where time stops and gives place to the contemplation of Italian beauties and richness.  

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