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Nearly one for each village. Each one between Lombard structures and Renaissance ornaments, in a series of transformations from castle-fortalice to castle-feudal residence and castle-Renaissance palace. Nearby, there is often a Parish church and houses on human scale, placed all around in circles or bunches on the most reliable slope.
Natural and human disasters often razed to the ground several castles even the most important ones. Some are restored and visitable, like Pignatelli castle of Monteroduni, De Capua castle in Gambatesa and Pandone castle in Venafro.
Pignatelli castle has a classic structure with trapezoidal plan, 4 cylindrical towers at its corners, yard with day staircase of the 16th century and high boundary wall.
The castle of Gambatesa is closer to the palace and presents inside, rooms with walls entirely decorated with paintings of the sixteenth-century Mannerism by Donato di Copertino on demand of Vincenzo Di Capua, Duke of Termoli and Count of Gambatesa. The paintings represent landscapes, curtains, pergolas, mythological scenes and are very important from the artistic point of view.
Pandone castle of Venafro englobes ruins of Roman fortifications, Lombard quadrangular towers, Angevin cylindrical towers and the Renaissance arcade. What makes unique the castle is the representation apartment with walls entirely decorated with life-sized horses painted on and dedicatory epigraphs: Charles V, Pallotta, etc.

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