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Museo Musec Popular
Via Berta, SNC - Palazzo della Provincia, Piano Seminterrato
Isernia, IS 86170
Phone: 0865 441381 - 0865 441471
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Museo storico della Campana "GIOVANNI PAOLO II" Popular
Via F. D'Onofrio, 14
Agnone, IS 86081
Phone: 0865 78235
Fax: 0865 78235
Rating0.00 (0 votes)
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Museo Civico di Isernia Popular
Piazza Celestino V
Isernia, IS 86170
Phone: 366 2629029 320 9418382
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Museo di tradizioni popolari e del costume d'epoca di San Pietro Avellana Popular
Via Fontana Grande
San Pietro Avellana, IS 86088
Phone: 0865 940131 - 366 2629029 - 334 831
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Museo della Zampogna "P. Vecchione" Popular
Via Vico Santa Maria
Scapoli, IS 86070
Phone: 0865 954270 - 0865 954143
Fax: 0865 954505
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Museo archeologico di Venafro Popular
Via Garibaldi, 8
Venafro, IS 86079
Phone: 0865 900742
Fax: 0865 900742
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Museo del Profumo Popular
Via del Profumo
Sant'Elena Sannita, IS 86095
Phone: 0865 890059 - 338 6620595 - 339 621
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Galleria d'arte "ARTE 90" Popular
Via Lo Russo, 10
Isernia, IS 86170
Phone: 0865 413644
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Mostra Permanente del "Libro Antico" Popular
Palazzo San Francesco
Agnone, IS 86081
Phone: 0865 77722
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Mostra Permanente "Premiate Ditte" Popular
Palazzo Bonanni
Agnone, IS 86081
Phone: 0865 779173 - 0865 77722
Rating0.00 (0 votes)
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