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Istituto Statale Di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore G. Paolo I Istituto Isiss-Liceo Scientifico Stat Popular
Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 73
Agnone, IS 86081
Phone: 0865 79291 - 0865 779066
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Degustazione prodotti tipici "La Finestra sul Molise" Popular
Via galleria Nunziata lunga (bivio Ceppagna)
Venafro, IS 86079
Phone: 0865 910056 - 333 9027316
Rating0.00 (0 votes)
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Scuole Medie G.N. D'Agnillo Popular
Via Pietro Micca, 1
Agnone, IS 86081
Phone: 0865 78242
Rating0.00 (0 votes)
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Scuola Media Statale di Bagnoli del Trigno Popular

Bagnoli del Trigno, IS 86091
Phone: 0874 870958
Rating0.00 (0 votes)
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Albergo "Grand Hotel Europa" Popular
SS. 17, 140
Isernia, IS 86170
Phone: 0865 2126
Fax: 0865 413243
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Albergo "Europa (Depandance Grand Hotel Europa)" Popular
SS. 17, 140
Isernia, IS 86170
Phone: 0865 2126
Fax: 0865 413243
Rating0.00 (0 votes)
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Bed and Breakfast "Santa Lucia" Popular
Via XXIV Maggio, 135
Isernia, IS 86170
Phone: 338 8228091
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Albergo "Italia" Popular
Piazza XX Settembre, 11
Agnone, IS 86081
Phone: 0865 78589
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Albergo "Capracotta" Popular
Via Valle Sorda, 1
Capracotta, IS 86082
Phone: 0865 945368
Rating0.00 (0 votes)
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Albergo "Domus Hotel" Popular
Via Circonvallazione Esterna
Bagnoli del Trigno, IS 86091
Phone: 0874 870510
Rating0.00 (0 votes)
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