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Museo della Civiltà Contadina Popular
Palazzo Marchesale
Castelpetroso, IS 86090
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Bed and Breakfast "Da Persio" Popular
Via Francesco Jovine, 2
Macchiagodena, IS 86096
Phone: 368 542592
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Bed and Breakfast "Villa Maria Paola Resort Isernia" Popular
Contrada Pezzelle, Via Colle Roseto, 10
Isernia, IS 86170
Phone: 340 7344047
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Bed and Breakfast "Donna Elda" Popular
Via Mario Milano
Forlì del Sannio, IS 86084
Phone: 335 8145512
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Bar "Mantoga2" Popular
Corso Risorgimento, 264
Isernia, IS 86170
Phone: 0865 415433
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Bed and Breakfast "Santa Ildegarda" Popular
Via Giardino, 8
Cantalupo nel Sannio, IS 86092
Phone: 333 6907580
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Ristorante pizzeria "Al Ghiottone" - Montaquila Popular
Strada Statale, 158
Montaquila, IS 86070
Phone: 0865 960589
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Bar paninoteca "Anfimide Caffè" Popular
Via Roma
Montaquila, IS 86070
Phone: 348 3039656
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Ristorante pizzeria "La Fontana" Popular
Contrada Conocchia, 7
Isernia, IS 86170
Phone: 0865 450270
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Bed and Breakfast "Pachamama" Popular
Via Cerreto
Montenero Valcocchiara, IS 86080
Phone: 347 2914372
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